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Showing posts from November, 2020

Countries that are Democratic, Authoritarian, Oligarchy Hybrid, Reformed, Rogue, and yet to be designated as Rogue

 There are ways to see whether or not a country is democratic, authoritarian, and/or rogue depending on the legitimacy, transparency and accountability of its government. Wikipedia and other sites don't always tell the truth about everything but here, the truth shall be presented right here and with enough facts to back up the claim; Democratic Ireland - Became one of the safest countries in the world after World War 1 Equador - A socialist country with morals much like the United States when it comes to banning criminals from traveling into the country and recognizes Guaido as Venezuela's true president-elect Argentina Romania - A country whose former totalitarian communist regime was overthrown by the people and has been one of the most reliable allies of America since taking action against Russia over the illegal annexation of Crimea Finland Norway New Zealand South Korea Sweden Denmark Canada Lithuania Latvia Estonia Chile Paraguay Mexico Georgia Oligarchy Germany - The hea