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Unboxing Deluxe Darth Maul Star Wars Episode 1 (Action Figure Review)

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A cute Cat at the window

Why we must overturn Buckley v Valvo

 So much has gone spiraling out of control since the collapse of the Soviet Union and many democracies since then continue to backslide towards authoritarianism. While some are claiming that America will be authoritarian soon when former President Trump returns to office, the truth is, the United States has already become an authoritarian country due to both political parties having consolidated too much power and have been entrenched under so much wealth and with the private sector having too much influence over our politics. A lot of our system's institutions have been corrupted over the years following the late 1970's and with word that many of these institutions have been rigged against the majority of the American people, even worse, both our elections and our justice system have been hijacked and rigged by authoritarian actors linked to many networks owned by America's richest elites. This is worse than putting up with one person abusing the power of the oval office.

Countries that are Democratic, Authoritarian, Oligarchy Hybrid, Reformed, Rogue, and yet to be designated as Rogue

 There are ways to see whether or not a country is democratic, authoritarian, and/or rogue depending on the legitimacy, transparency and accountability of its government. Wikipedia and other sites don't always tell the truth about everything but here, the truth shall be presented right here and with enough facts to back up the claim; Democratic Ireland - Became one of the safest countries in the world after World War 1 Equador - A socialist country with morals much like the United States when it comes to banning criminals from traveling into the country and recognizes Guaido as Venezuela's true president-elect Argentina Romania - A country whose former totalitarian communist regime was overthrown by the people and has been one of the most reliable allies of America since taking action against Russia over the illegal annexation of Crimea Finland Norway New Zealand South Korea Sweden Denmark Canada Lithuania Latvia Estonia Chile Paraguay Mexico Georgia Oligarchy Germany - The hea

States with Stay-at-home Protests

Since the United States is still in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, many Trump supporters have grown impatient and with the number of small businesses on the rise of bankruptcy, protests have sparked across the country, more COVID-19 cases are sure to spike and these are the states that have these morons making a scene; 1.California 2.Texas 3.Kentucky 4.Indiana 5.Oklahoma 6.Ohio 7.Idaho 8.Oregon 9.Michigan 10.New York 11.North Carolina 12.Colorado 13.Maine 14.Virginia 15.Missouri 16.Kansas 17.Minnesota 18.Wisconsin 19.Maryland 20.Nevada 21.Washington 22.Tennessee 23.Illinois 24.Arizona 25.Pennsylvania 26.Alabama 27.Connecticut 28.Vermont 29. Hawaii While protests in some states have stopped upon some of their businesses reopening, some in the most heavily hit resume.

Putin's Web of Connections

Vladimir Putin of Russia, as the most powerful man in the world, he's got a majority of associates across the globe. For years since hacking foreign elections, Putin has made plenty of Far-Right political allies in Europe and a lot of assets here in the United States of America. Especially with nationalists. Before 2016, Putin had obviously studied the ideology of both Democratic and Republican parties after his first few visits to the land of the free, even during his years as Russia's prime minister while his most trusted processor and successor, Dmitry Medvedev, launched the Russian invasion into Georgia. While some American officials like Rachel Meadows claim that Putin's reasons for having his people attack our democracy during the 2016 election was all about keeping us in the oil trade business with them by helping Trump take office, it was also to get sanctions lifted, but most of all, to make both sides of the political spectrum tear each other apart, leaving nobo

The Night Wolves

Vladimir Putin's favorite right-wing motorcycle militia who share the same goals as he does for over thirty years; restoring Soviet influence. Known members; Alexander 'The Surgeon' (Leader) Vitaly 'The Prosecutor' Kishkinov Shamil Denis Kuznetsov (Deputy Commander) Sergey 'Mosquito' Komarov Nadia Ramzan Kadyrov Jozef Hambalek (Slovak Chapter Leader) Alliance between Russian and Slovak Wolves Andrei Bobrovsky Bases; Russia Ukraine Romania Belarus Macedonia  Serbia Latvia Germany Czech Republic Slovakia The club began forming out of a mixture of rock music fans and motorcycle enthusiasts who held then-illegal rock concerts in  Moscow  (see  Censorship in the Soviet Union ) as far back as 1983. By 1989 the club was consolidated as an informal motorcycle group bearing the name "Night Wolves", during the  Perestroika  era of the  Soviet Union . It became the first of