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Why we must overturn Buckley v Valvo

 So much has gone spiraling out of control since the collapse of the Soviet Union and many democracies since then continue to backslide towards authoritarianism. While some are claiming that America will be authoritarian soon when former President Trump returns to office, the truth is, the United States has already become an authoritarian country due to both political parties having consolidated too much power and have been entrenched under so much wealth and with the private sector having too much influence over our politics. A lot of our system's institutions have been corrupted over the years following the late 1970's and with word that many of these institutions have been rigged against the majority of the American people, even worse, both our elections and our justice system have been hijacked and rigged by authoritarian actors linked to many networks owned by America's richest elites. This is worse than putting up with one person abusing the power of the oval office. Way worse. Everytime it looks as if change is finally coming, it always ends up being the same as previous ones, promises broken, lobbying interference, corrupt mainstream and social media disinformation spreading around to millions of viewers and users, and with our justice system so unwilling to hold not only the richest, but also powerful individuals elected in office due to alleged conflicts of interests, and with much of everything looking like history today repeating itself, people being lied into waging wars with other nations that had no connections to 9/11 and so much obstruction of progress, justice, and reform happening every year and with the climate crisis being constantly ignored and not having the majority of citizens take direct action to tackle the global threat, all of this madness and corruption has been the result of this very court ruling;

Buckley V. Valvo: the ruling made in 1976 where candidates are free to have unlimited amounts of money poured into their election campaigns regardless of donor identity and made money equivilant to free speech in the first amendment.

This twisted ruling was pushed forth by this very individual and former senator of New York state;

James Lane Buckley

James L. Buckley, the man who corrupted the United States of America.

Now, it's unclear to why he would be so foolish to push for this ruling that has turned the USA into a dreadful oligarchy, thus betraying everything our constitution stands for. Everything that is going on today that has caused our leaders, our government, and our institutions to lose sight of their responsibilities is on this man who is in DC right now serving as federal court judge which is a disgrace. Everything that President Ronald Reagan and his successors have done to embolden corruption was just a follow up.

Now, as to why this ruling has to be overturned by 2030, here is a list of solid good reasons money should absolutely not be equivalent to free speech in the first amendment and why there shouldn't be so much money spent in politics;

  • Bribery in our justice departments where people who are mean to serve and protect refuse to prosecute powerful figures like Andrew Cuomo, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, George W. Bush, Mitch McConnell, and many other powerful politicians. Therefore, outright obstruction of justice.
  • Cuomo using his connections with New York's private equity elites and special interest groups to manipulate the state courts into erasing his criminal records of ethics violations, etc.
  • Intense police corruption
  • Various institutions being controlled by oligarchs into doing what they want to maintain dominant influence over the country
  • Given various corporations and media outlets and social media outlets too much power involving censorship, misinformation, etc.
  • Deregulated too much of our energy sector which has contributed to the escalating climate crisis
  • Lobbyists constantly interfering with our efforts to move away from excessive use of fossil fuels over to clean, green, safe and sustainable energy.
  • Growth of many political machines rigging our elections
  • Selling of illegal weapons to drug dealers and terrorists abroad
  • Holding our leaders back from prosecuting Saudi Arabia's monarch regime for masterminding Al Qaeda's attacks in America on 9/11 and used the incidents as false flags to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries that were never connected to the events.
  • Our elected officials hesitating and holding back from helping the American people
  • Spread of dangerously influencial propaganda
  • Complete inaction on tackling gun violence
  • Constant bailouts and tax breaks for the rich
  • Violated so many democratic norms
  • Putting people out of business and sending our jobs overseas to China
  • Gutting and privatizing our healthcare system, leaving most of our hospitals underemployed and understaffed
  • Failure of enforcing advanced election and cyber security laws
  • Allowed much of our health institutions including the World Health organization to be heavily dependent on and influenced by China before the country allowed a deadly pandemic to spread, killing millions of people
  • Corrupt Judges being on the bench of our judiciary defending corruption and being completely regardless of the majority of citizens
  • Our government under the influence of powerful war lobbyists showing complete disregard to the people of Afghanistan by not having our troops pulled out before the Taliban rampaged just to frame it completely as Vietnam all over again
  • Tax evasion and shell companies present
  • Refusal to denounce the war crimes and human rights violations of Saudi Arabia and other 'precieved allies' of America
  • Destablized too many countries over the decades without a care for the victims and innocent civilians affected by the CIA's actions
  • Barring people from seeking refuge in America rather than helping them solve the problems they've been putting up with in their home countries
  • Worst of all was the US and NATO provoking Russia into invading Ukraine by arrogantly refusing to heed the Kremlin's demands to not admit Ukraine and Georgia into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization when they truly have no intention on recruiting those two post-soviet republics and as a result, millions of Ukrainians have been displaced and thousands of innocent men, women and children are getting killed every day.
All of this corruption, all this madness, all these lies that Buckley v. Valvo has unleashed have done so much harm, so much damage, and has destroyed so many lives not just here in the United States, but also across the rest of the globe. Sure, some of you who don't believe me think that America has always done such crap, but not at this magnitude.

As a society with the very principles America was founded on, we've purposely forgotten how to govern as a democracy, because of a white mob insurrection in North Carolina on the year of 1898, how barring black people and other people of color made the two ruling parties consolidate so much power over the years leading up to now. The core principle to preserving democracy is to preserve the separation of powers which is something we've failed to uphold all these years since coming into the 20th century.

I swear, we have got to overturn Buckley v Valvo in order to unrig this system and if Chief Justice John Roberts and his fellow judges are too corrupt under so much wealth to repeal this ruling, we will have to start voting for other political parties that are strong enough to pull off excellent voter turnouts and help us unrig this system while working our way from local and district levels all the way up to the federal level and get them elected into the US house and Senate so we can remove all these neocons from office and take back our system in order to get rid of this oligarchic ruling to free our democracy.

Do not waste your time voting for these self-proclaimed populist candidates in the democrat and republican parties. They're the same as those who are part of the neoliberal establishment and by doing so, you'll just end up helping the neocons consolidate more power and influence. I've read several news sources to be sure. In order to preserve separation of powers, we have to vote for other political parties.

To any of those on the left reading this article, vote for Socialist Alternative, it's the strongest left-wing party separate from the Democratic Party and the only third party on the left to have won a seat in office.

To those on the right reading this article, please vote for American Solidarity if you want to help us break up all these monopolies and restore economic freedom to the American people

We must not waste anymore time, we must set things right. 


  1. President Donald J. Trump never once abused the power of the presidency in any show of authoritarianism, but he did make sure that our country and our people were completely safe with a strong, well trained & prepared military able to protect us anytime it might be necessary!

    Then, the current inhabitant of the WH comes into office, thinks he is a dictator, tears apart all the great things Pres. Trump did to keep us safe and tries to force our military to become "woke"! He made thousands of our soldiers be discharged from the service without the pensions they deserved, because they didn't want the completely "useless" jabs that don't prevent anyone from getting COVID, nor from passing it around! The indifferent idiocy of this administration is beyond comprehension of anyone with any intelligence!


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