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Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (/ˈpuːtɪn/; Russian: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин, romanized: Vladímir Vladímirovič Pútin; born 7 October 1952) is the President of Russia since 2012, previously holding the position from 2000 until 2008.Then he was re-elected in 2012 and is still in office as of today. He is seen as the most powerful man in the world.

Putin was born in Leningrad, Russian SFSR. He studied law at Leningrad State University, graduating in 1975 and became a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel before resigning in 1991 to enter politics in Saint Petersburg. He moved to Moscow in 1996 and joined President Boris Yeltsin's administration where he served as director of the FSB, the KGB’s successor agency, and then as prime minister. He became Acting President on 31 December 1999, when Yeltsin resigned.

During his first couple years in office, Vladimir became close friends with former U.S. President George W. Bush. As kindered spirits, the two were like two sides of the same coin for taking office on the same year and for helping people in both countries restore and sustain their economies. So much they both became popular within those 4 years. 

However, when Hilary Clinton started criticizing Putin of his past as a KGB agent claiming that he doesn't have a soul and with tensions between America and Russia escalating, Putin started taking a dark turn back to where he used to be in before he took office. Seeking to restore Soviet influence, Putin along with Dmitry Medvedev had their country build a cyber warfare agency in his home town known as the Internet Research Agency. With it, their government attacked the networks from other nations like Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, the United States, and Venezuela to help far right politics rise up in power and in exchange, support Russia.

Surely, if he was going to invade Europe, he would have ordered his military to nuke up the Western Alliance, but as advancements in technology progressed, Vladimir Putin discovered another way to best his enemies. One where it involves sparing those countries for more valuable benefits. It's probably what was in the documents he burned up. He had to have studied the nature and capacity of far right politics and it's why he chose to attack elections; to gain more allies from other countries who oppose democracy.

Why would he choose to antagonize the good of all people today? Simple . . .

Путин боится пережить 1989 год. Это место, где он стоял один в офисе КГБ в одиночестве и ошеломлен тысячами протестующих, и Кремль покинул его. Вот почему он не хочет покидать свой пост и хочет отомстить Западу.

That is Russian for; Putin is afraid to relive 1989. It's where he was standing inside the KGB office all alone and overwhelmed by thousands of protesters and the Kremlin abandoned him. That's why he doesn't want to leave office and he wants his revenge on the West.

To be clear, it was back in East Germany on December 5th, 1989. Even if he was a 37 year old adult back then, all that pressure of putting up with thousands of people on his own without anyone to back him up really got him rattled. And he really doesn't like opposition or putting up with critics which is why he had Boris Nemtsov assassinated along with one of his ambassadors with an exploding airplane and now because his party lost a majority in the recent election a few days ago, he's sent local authorities to raid people's homes in such aggressive retaliation. He is very revengeful as sources say no doubt.

Still, because of how his government's meddling with our election just to get a stochastic terrorist in the oval office just to spite Hilary Clinton for criticizing him, that burden the Russian Leader carried over the past 30 years has hurt this safe town in America the most; El Paso. Yeah, it was shocking of how a mass shooting of Mexicans motivated by Trump's anti-immigration rhetorics after getting fired from the Wal-Mart the 21 year old nationalist attacked and since Russia interfered to help Trump win, the blood of all the victims is on Putin's hands. Especially since his country and Romania armed the shooter in the first place.

Either way, we will make Vladimir Putin pay for all the wrongs he's caused to this world. We will make sure the Kremlin doesn't meddle with 2020's election and soon as we're rid of Trump and his corrupt administration and Republican acolytes, we will go after Putin to put an end to all of Russia's government hostilities and once we get the KGB outcast, we will bring him to El Paso to surrender everything involving the truth to all the countries he cyber attacked, the countries he invaded, all the live he ruined. So much.

For now, while he's conducting more safeguards to keep his home country from denouncing him as president, he could also be seeking more land across the globe to set up his own ultra secure safe house outside of his own country once his reckoning draws near.

When the time is right, we'll make sure his reign ends by December 2022 and have everyone supporting the current critic take office in the Kremlin with the opposition leader in charge and have our troops set up occupation to help the locals get all the criminals and every right wing threat off the streets of Moscow and Saint Petersburg to help establish more security to endure.


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